Do Kegel Exercises Make You Tighter?

Alright ladies and gents, lets talk about exercise again.  I’m not going to be breaking down how to build your triceps or quads today though.  We are going to focus on something more internal today.  Something that both guys and gals can work on to help improve all of our overall sex lives.  For the fellas I’ll be helping you improve your erections.   If you are a lady, I’ll be answering the popular question I have gotten from the many who have contacted me privately.  What is that question you might be asking?  Do Kegel exercises make you tighter?

What Are Kegel Exercises?

Before we jump into the benefits of Kegel exercises, it would probably make some sense to discuss what they are, and who created them.  Now some of you have noticed the name of my site,  which is my own name, Arnold Kegel.  Are some of you wondering if I was the creator?  I wish I was the Arnold Kegel who came up with such a great workout program that benefits both men and women, but alas I am not.

Dr. Arnold Kegel was a a gynecologist who invented the Kegel exercises, as well as the perineometer.  The perineometer is a device which allowed Dr. Kegel to measure the strength of voluntary contractions of a person’s pelvic floor muscles.  Dr. Kegel was originally looking for a solution to help women with urinary incontinence after giving birth without the need for drugs or a surgical procedure.  He believed that a set of muscles in the pelvis could be strengthened by exercise.  By working out the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles, it would help provide more support for the bladder, uterus, and bowels. 

The Kegel exercises were created to strengthen ones PC muscles.  I will explain how to perform the Kegel exercise in the next section.  Once Dr. Kegel came up with the routine, he was able to measure the improvements of the pelvic floor muscles using his perineometer tool.  Women who had performed the Kegel exercises were returning great results in alleviating urinary incontinence.  Dr. Kegel was also able to see the improvement in the strength of their PC muscles.

How Can I Work Out My Pubococcygeus Muscles?

The best way to work out your pelvic floor muscles is by performing the Kegel exercise.  Performing Kegel exercises works the same for both men and women so this should be easy for anyone reading this method to follow.  The beauty of Kegel exercises is that you can do them anywhere, anytime, without anyone even knowing you are working your PC muscles.  You literally have no excuse (unless you are just that damn lazy) not to do them!

The first step is to locate the pelvic floor muscles that you will be strengthening.  The best way to describe a Kegel is pretending you have to urinate and then holding it in.  To find the correct muscles, go to the bathroom, take a leak if your a guy…a tinkle if your a girl.  As your urine is flowing, stop the stream.  The process of stopping the urine from flowing is the same process you would do to perform a Kegel exercise.  Your pelvic floor muscles are contracting when you squeeze them to stop the flow of urine.

You do not want to perform your Kegel exercises normally while urinating.  The above steps just help you understand and locate the muscles used and how to train them to get stronger.  Now that you know what the movement feels like, you should perform your Kegel exercises daily.  You should aim for three sets of 10 to 15 squeezes.  Each time you tighten your pelvic floor muscles, you want to hold that position for at least five to eight seconds.  Relax your PC muscles for about 10 seconds and repeat the process 10 to 15 times.  It is recommended to break your sets up throughout the day.  Personally I do my Kegel exercises in the morning when I am in the shower, while eating lunch, and when I am in bed for the evening.

So Do Kegel Exercises Make You Tighter?

The big question finally revealed.  YES…Kegel exercises will make your vagina tighter!  Kegel exercises have a wealth of benefits for both men and women.  If you are a dude whose soldier does not stand at full attention anymore, Kegel exercises will help with that.  Ladies, if you have suffered from a looser vagina due to age or childbirth, you need to jump on doing these Kegel exercises right now!  You literally have no excuse as you can do them anywhere!  How long will it take to notice the increased tightness?  You can expect some results within 4 to 6 weeks.

Whaaat…4 to 6 weeks you might whine?  Ladies…it is exercise, it takes time to see results.  “…But Arnold, today we want instant gratification” you might be saying.  If you want a method that is cost efficient, combines natural supplements that help tighten your vagina and make it more lubricated their is another solution.  If you’ve ever read my article on how to tighten your vagina fast then you already know about my experience with a woman who had used the V-Tight Gel program.

I was once with this oddball chick who always had me coming back for more.  Even when I wanted to end things with her, all she had to do was throw me in the sack and as a young virile man, how can I pass up some hot sex?  Anyhow, this chick will probably always go down as the best sex ever.  Its not because she was wild and crazy in the bedroom or could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.  This chick just had the most amazing vagina ever.  Her vag was super tight and she would get so wet every time.   It felt so amazing anytime we went down to pound town that she will go down in my history book as having the best vagina ever.  I literally put her pussy on a pedestal and compare all other vaginas to it when I hook up with girls.

Enough talk about that chick though.  If you are looking for a program that works quickly and combines a form a vagina supplement diet and exercise, you should check out the V-Tight Gel system.  It uses a cream that helps tighten and enhances lubrication in your vag.  The program also comes with additional exercises that you can do to help increase the tightness of your vigina.  All I can say is that as a man, I really appreciate the folks at V-Tight Gel as their stuff does some amazing work.  I am only a man though, so what do I really know.  Why not check out the video below to see a review from a woman who has used the stuff and see what she has to say.